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Click here to download the Step-By-Step Guide for the Healthcare Team

Have conversations with others

You may decide to include others in your shared decisionmaking journey. These often include family, friends, peers, your patient organization, and caregivers.

Reflect on your life goals and your current treatment

A series of questions will guide you to reflect on your goals and how they relate to your hemophilia. A summary of your answers will be available at the end of the tool to assist your healthcare team and provide a starting point for discussion.

Have an open and meaningful conversation with your healthcare team

Bring your questions and summary responses, and take notes during your meeting.

Compare your treatment options

A convenient side-by-side comparison table will help you compare your current treatment and your other treatment options.

Learn about your treatment options

You will be guided through a series of videos and fact sheets to learn more about each treatment class.

Prepare for visits with your healthcare provider

As you go through the tool, write down any questions you have for your healthcare team. The tool will also provide a summary of your responses: print this and bring it to your next appointment so you can take notes.

Meet with your healthcare team to make or confirm a decision about your treatment

Bring any remaining questions you have and discuss the next steps. You may decide to remain on your current treatment, modify your current treatment, change to a new treatment, or keep learning about your options. It is important to know that most treatment options allow you to return to the shared decision-making process (and this tool) at any time. Making no treatment change is also a decision.

Take time to consider your options

Switching treatments is an important decision that can affect you, your family, your lifestyle, and your overall health. Take the time you need to consider all treatment options available to you. We encourage you to revisit any of the steps and this SDM tool at any time in your decision-making journey.